SIE Exam: Understanding Products and Their Risks Practice Test 7

1. Which of the following is correct regarding trading in Direct Participation Programs (DPPs)?

2. In which of the following Acts was a direct participation program (DPP) described?

3. Which of the following qualifies as a direct participation program?

4. Which of the following is correct regarding tax consequences of a Direct Participation Program (DPP)?

5. Which of the following would NOT be a direct participation program?

6. How is a direct participation program that is a real estate limited partnerships traded?

7. Which of the following has fiduciary responsibility in a direct participation program that is a real estate limited partnership?

8. Which of the following is correct regarding the general partner in a direct participation program that is a real estate limited partnership?

9. What is the general partner's decision-making role in a limited partnership?

10. Which of the following is correct regarding assets and liabilities of a direct participation program that is a real estate limited partnership?

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